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Saturday 6 November 2010

warning: some more Cabal "Kool-Aid" you shouldn't drink



I have received from a reliable Star Seed source with Star Visitor contacts the following information and warning, which I am passing on to all Star Seeds and Star Kids. This is a future vision given to my contact in order that we may warn those at risk. Details are below.

First the future vision:
"The setting starts as an orientation meeting set up by the government for Star Seeds who have passed rigorous testing about their skills. They are all placed into teams with a team leader selected by the government. Something always feels off but no one is picking up on it and they think it is just nerves. The Star Seeds and some of their Star Kid children are told that we are going to be working on a trial exchange program with "People from the Stars" on colonies already set up on different planets which can support life through structures Humans and Star Beings have together helped build just for this exchange. Everyone is excited about it.
"The odd thing is that the leaders of this program are not showing anyone a real Star Being. They tell us we will meet up with them once we are in the colony. Some people get upset, and they bring out someone who looks like a Star Being but they are way off where we can't see them up close and they do not look right. Then we are shipped out - but we always end up on the moon or on a colony on Mars according to someone else who says part of the group was sent out there.
"Suddenly everything is changed because the one who looked like a Star Being who was being used to keep us calm takes off a mask and we all realize we have been fooled. We are then seeing we are trapped in the colony and no one knows why we have been removed from Earth. It is a form of a prison city actually, and only people who will go along with what the bad people want them to do are able to have rights at all. It is a very bad situation."

Now the analysis and warning:
The Cabal have failing bases on the Moon and on Mars. Because Star Nations has embargoed them from traveling far into space, the Cabal have not been able to re-supply their Moon and Mars Bases with either fresh personnel nor new supplies, because Star Nations is actively denying Cabal spacecraft passage into space. Thus the Cabal are at risk of having those Bases fail and be lost to service to the Cabal.
Thus the Cabal have come up with this diabolical scheme to use Star Seeds and their Star Kid children as hostages to try to force Star Nations enforcement starcraft to "back off" and allow the Cabal resupply starcraft through because there are Star Seeds and Star Kids on board being used by the Cabal as hostages.
The best way to thwart this Cabal scheme is by publicity. That is I am now spreading this warning to all my contacts and ask you to spread the following warning:

"If you later receive an invitation to an orientation meeting set up by "the government" [probably some NASA contractor] for Star Seeds who have passed rigorous testing about their skills, and learn that you "qualify" for a "trial Exchange Program" with supposed "star civilizations", supposedly to live for a while on colonies on other life-supporting planets, do NOT sign up.
You and your children will only be misused as hostages to get through Star Nations' space blockade against Cabal spacecraft, and you and yours would only be used as slave labor on the Cabal's Moon and Mars Bases."
Thank you for relaying this helpful warning.

in service to Source,

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

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